Hello it is me
Dance. Music.Culture.
Sing. Song. Lyrics. Listen.
Read. Write. Tell.
Rebell. Clumsy. Strange. Freak.
Sociable. Friendly. Loving.
Sing. Song. Lyrics. Listen.
Read. Write. Tell.
Rebell. Clumsy. Strange. Freak.
Sociable. Friendly. Loving.
Right now, i wanna tell you one by one
Who is she.. Nurul Hasanah
I've been here, a long time ago
to write..
to tell..
but why i just knew who i am today?
i might fall asleep while i write, tell, and listen about her
Just now, i discovered who i'm :)
Who is Nurul Hasanah :)
Gue, ya ini gue.
Mungkin nggak ada satupun yang tau gimana atau apa gue
Bahkan mungkin cuma gue yang bisa ngerti arti katakata diatas
Gue, ya ini gue.
Nurul Hasanah, yang baru aja nemuin siapa gue
Minat dan sifat gue
Semakin lama menulis, semakin lama menceritakan gue sendiri....,
Semakin lama membaca, semakin lama belajar tentang gue sendiri....,
Semakin lama mendengarkan, semakin lama mendongengi diri sendiri....,
Selama jalanin hidup, selama itu pula gue mencoba mengeksplorasi diri gue sendiri.
yup, i love dancing ! beautiful movement of all dancers
of my self, as a dancer :)
i like singing and listening to all beautiful song !
to sing the heart singing
i'm so interested to know, the story of your life
so? come on tell me :)
i also enjoying my time to read
and open the other world
i can write anything, everything about everyone i know
so please read my script
i'm strange, freak, clumsy, and rebell
can you accept me for who i'm?
i also can be so care to everyone that i like
i can be so friendly,
i can be a loving person,
so come to me, we're going to share together...........................
Itulah gue.
Semoga bisa di mengerti, thanks